I use the Beta Bionics iLet insulin pump with my Dexcom CGM, who do I contact for system support?

Which Dexcom product are you using?
Dexcom G6
Dexcom G6
These frequently asked questions (FAQs) are specific to the Beta Bionics iLet / Dexcom G6 automated insulin delivery system. Information on this page is not applicable to other insulin pumps.
Dexcom and Beta Bionics have agreed which system issues are best handled by each company, including which company is responsible for reporting those events to the appropriate regulatory authority. To help ensure the required reporting takes place in a timely fashion, customers need to contact Dexcom for some issues and Beta Bionics for others.
To facilitate handling of system issues, Dexcom will handle CGM issues, while Beta Bionics will focus on issues relating to the iLet Bionic Pancreas, insulin cartridges, and associated infusion sets. System issues requiring contact with the Beta Bionics Customer Care Team are listed below.
Note that, though use of the Dexcom G6 app for this automated insulin delivery system isn’t required, it is recommended by both Dexcom and Beta Bionics. In addition to G6 app users having access to Dexcom Clarity and Share/Follow, the G6 app can be a helpful tool to diagnose problems connecting to the G6 transmitter. Items listed below assume the user has access to a smartphone that is compatible with the G6 app. Information on compatible smartphones is available here. Use of the Dexcom G6 receiver is not supported for this system.
Please contact Beta Bionics for the following:
Transmitter pairing failed to iLet ONLY
(Dexcom G6 app able to pair to transmitter)
• If your Dexcom transmitter is failing to connect to the iLet, but is able to connect to the Dexcom G6 app, please contact Beta Bionics for troubleshooting at 855-745-3800.
G6 transmitter pairing failed to both iLet and G6 app
• If your G6 transmitter is failing to pair to both the G6 app and the iLet, please contact Dexcom Product Support at 844-607-8398.
G6 transmitter loss of connection to iLet only
(G6 app functioning normally)
• Note: When using the iLet, you can also connect your transmitter to a smart device but will not be able to connect it to a Dexcom receiver.
• If you have lost connection (signal loss) between your G6 transmitter and the iLet after initial pairing, but your G6 app is functioning normally, please contact Beta Bionics for troubleshooting assistance at 855-745-3800.
G6 transmitter loss of connection to both iLet and G6 app
• If your G6 transmitter is no longer communicating to either the iLet or the G6 app, please contact Dexcom Product Support at 844-607-8398.
Unable to upload iLet pump data to Dexcom Clarity
• Pump settings and data cannot be viewed in Dexcom Clarity. That data is only available from the Beta Bionics patient/HCP portal.
• The Dexcom G6 app can be used to upload your CGM data into Dexcom Clarity, where you and your healthcare professional can review it.
Physical issues with your insulin infusion set
• If you are experiencing a physical issue with your infusion set such as those involving adhesion, bleeding, bruising, skin irritation, discomfort, or pain at insertion site, please contact Beta Bionics at 855-745-3800 for assistance troubleshooting your issue.
If you require technical support from Beta Bionics, or if you have questions or concerns with an iLet, insulin cartridge, or infusion set purchased from Beta Bionics, please visit http://www.betabionics.com/support or call 855-745-3800.
For more information related to using the iLet, please review the user guide here.
Please contact Dexcom for the following:
Dexcom Receiver support
• The iLet connects directly to the Dexcom G6 transmitter; use of a Dexcom medical receiver isn't supported for this automated insulin delivery system.
Unable to progress past the warm-up part of your sensor session
• If your sensor fails during the 2-hour warm-up period, please refer to this FAQ.
• If you continue to experience issues progressing beyond the warm-up period, please submit a Product Support Request for a replacement sensor.
Physical issues with your sensor and/or transmitter
• Some examples of physical issues include sensor deployment difficulties, patch adhesion issues, difficulties inserting the sensor or transmitter, and discomfort during use.
Click here to learn how to apply a new Dexcom sensor and transmitter.
Click here for patch adhesion tips.
• If you are experiencing a physical issue with your Dexcom G6 CGM System, please fill out a Product Support Request.
Receiving an error message related to your transmitter lifespan
• The transmitter battery lasts for 3 months after initial activation. Starting 3 weeks before the battery expires, the warnings count down the transmitter battery life until it only has 10 days (one sensor session) left.
• If the transmitter battery has less than 10 days remaining, you won't be able to start a new session and the G6 app will show "Pair New Transmitter" instead. Dexcom recommends that you have your next transmitter on-hand within 3 months of starting your previous transmitter.
• You may also find this FAQ helpful.
• If you continue to experience issues with your transmitter battery, please submit a Product Support Request, or contact Dexcom Product Support at 844-607-8398.
Sensor replacement is independent of infusion set replacement
• While infusion sets are replaced every 2 to 3 days, Dexcom G6 sensors last for 10 days. You do not have to replace your sensor until your sensor session has ended.
Click here for instructions on how to replace your sensor.
Sensor session doesn't last the full 10 days
• If your sensor session ended prematurely, please refer to this helpful FAQ.
• You may request a replacement sensor by filling out a Product Support Request or contacting Dexcom Product Support at 844-607-8398.
Sensor doesn't appear to be accurate
• For information on sensor accuracy, please watch this video.
• This FAQ may also be helpful: Is my Dexcom sensor accurate?
• If your sensor readings do not match symptoms or expectations, use a blood glucose meter and finger sticks to determine your glucose levels.
• Users whose sensor readings are outside the ranges specified in Is my Dexcom sensor accurate? can request assistance by filling out a Product Support Request or contacting Dexcom Product Support at 844-607-8398.
Issues calibrating your Dexcom G6 CGM System
• If you entered the sensor code during set up, there's no need to calibrate. Calibration is at the discretion of the user, but the system doesn't require it.
• If you don't enter a sensor code, you will be prompted to manually calibrate your system using values obtained from a blood glucose meter and fingersticks. This is true for both the iLet and the G6 app.
• If the calibration value from a blood glucose meter isn't accepted by the iLet, please contact Beta Bionics Customer Care at 855-745-3800.
• If the calibration value isn’t accepted by the Dexcom G6 app, please contact Dexcom Global Tech Support at 844-607-8398.
• For information on calibrating your Dexcom G6, please watch this helpful video.
• If you continue to have problems with calibrating your Dexcom G6, please submit a Product Support Request or contact Dexcom Global Tech Support at 844-607-8398.
Dexcom G7
These frequently asked questions (FAQs) are specific to the Beta Bionics iLet / Dexcom G7 automated insulin delivery system. Information on this page is not applicable to other insulin pumps.
Dexcom and Beta Bionics have agreed which system issues are best handled by each company, including which company is responsible for reporting those events to the appropriate regulatory authority. To help ensure the required reporting takes place in a timely fashion, customers need to contact Dexcom for some issues and Beta Bionics for others.
To facilitate handling of system issues, Dexcom will handle CGM issues, while Beta Bionics will focus on issues relating to the iLet Bionic Pancreas, insulin cartridges, and associated infusion sets. System issues requiring contact with Beta Bionics Customer Care Team are listed below.
Note that, though use of the Dexcom G7 app for this automated insulin delivery system isn’t required, it is recommended by both Dexcom and Beta Bionics. In addition to G7 app users having access to Dexcom Clarity and Share/Follow, the G7 app can be a helpful tool to diagnose problems connecting to the G7 sensor. Items listed below assume the user has access to a smartphone that is compatible with the G7 app. Information on compatible smartphones is available here. Use of the Dexcom G7 receiver is not supported for this system.
If you’ve not yet updated your iLet to add G7 capability, please visit this page for information on how to complete the software update on your iLet.
Please contact Beta Bionics for the following:
G7 sensor pairing failed to iLet only
(G7 app able to pair to sensor)
• If your G7 sensor cannot connect to the iLet, but can connect to the G7 app, please contact Beta Bionics for troubleshooting assistance at 855-745-3800.
G7 sensor pairing failed to both iLet and G7 app
• If your G7 sensor is failing to pair to both the G7 app and the iLet, please contact Dexcom Product Support at 844-607-8398.
G7 loss of connection to iLet only
(G7 app functioning normally)
• Note: When using the iLet, you can also connect your G7 to a smart device but will not be able to connect it to a Dexcom receiver.
• If you have lost connection (signal loss) between your G7 and the iLet after initial pairing, but your G7 app is functioning normally, please contact Beta Bionics for troubleshooting assistance at 855-745-3800.
G7 loss of connection to both iLet and G7 app
• If your G7 is no longer communicating to either the iLet or the G7 app, please contact Dexcom Product Support at 844-607-8398.
Unable to upload iLet pump data to Dexcom Clarity
• Pump settings and data cannot be viewed in Dexcom Clarity. That data is only available from the Beta Bionics patient/HCP portal.
• The Dexcom G7 app can be used to upload your CGM data into Dexcom Clarity, where you and your healthcare professional can review it.
Physical issues with your insulin infusion set
• If you are experiencing a physical issue with your infusion set such as those involving adhesion, bleeding, bruising, skin irritation, discomfort, or pain at insertion site, please contact Beta Bionics at 855-745-3800 for assistance troubleshooting your issue.
If you require technical support from Beta Bionics, or if you have questions or concerns with an iLet, insulin cartridge, or infusion set purchased from Beta Bionics, please visit http://www.betabionics.com/support or call 855-745-3800.
For more information related to using the iLet, please review the user guide here.
Please contact Dexcom for the following:
Dexcom Receiver support
• The iLet connects directly to the Dexcom G7; use of a Dexcom medical receiver isn't supported for this automated insulin delivery system.
Unable to progress past the warm-up part of your sensor session
• If your G7 fails during the 30-minute warm-up period, please refer to this FAQ.
• If you continue to experience issues progressing beyond the warm-up period, please submit a Product Support Request for a replacement sensor.
Physical issues with your G7
• Some examples of physical issues include sensor deployment difficulties, patch adhesion issues, and discomfort during use.
Click here to learn how to apply a new G7.
Click here for patch adhesion tips.
• If you are experiencing a physical issue with your Dexcom G7 CGM System, please fill out a Product Support Request.
Sensor replacement is independent of infusion set replacement
• While infusion sets are replaced every 2 to 3 days, Dexcom G7 sensors last for 10 days with a 12-hour grace period at the end. You do not have to replace your sensor until your sensor session has ended.
Click here for instructions on how to replace your G7 sensor.
Sensor session doesn't last the full 10 days plus the 12-hour grace period at the end
• If your sensor session ended prematurely, please refer to this helpful FAQ.
• You may request a replacement sensor by filling out a Product Support Request or contacting Dexcom Product Support at 844-607-8398.
Sensor doesn't appear to be accurate
• For information on sensor accuracy, please watch this video.
• This article may also be helpful: BG meter vs. G7 CGM reading
• If your sensor readings do not match symptoms or expectations, use a blood glucose meter and finger sticks to determine your glucose levels.
• Users whose sensor readings are outside the ranges specified in BG meter vs. G7 CGM reading can request assistance by filling out a Product Support Request or contacting Dexcom Product Support at 844-607-8398.
G7 calibration
• The 4-digit pairing code found on both the G7 box and applicator connects your G7 sensor to your smart device through Bluetooth.
• The Dexcom G7 sensor is factory-calibrated, but both the G7 app and iLet support calibration in case your CGM readings don’t match your symptoms.
• If the calibration value from a blood glucose meter isn't accepted by the iLet, please contact Beta Bionics at 855-745-3800.
• If the calibration value isn’t accepted by the Dexcom G7 app, please see this FAQ or contact Dexcom Product Support at 844-607-8398.
This article contains information on reading differences between blood glucose meters and CGM, as well as information on G7 calibration.
• If you continue to have problems with calibrating your Dexcom G7, please submit a Product Support Request or contact Dexcom Product Support at 844-607-8398 for additional support.


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