
Device Upgrades

If I am replacing my smart device, what will I need to do?

To use your Dexcom system with a new smart device, you first need to stop your sensor session on your current device. Next, install the Dexcom CGM app on your new smart device.
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Will updating my smart device affect how I can use my G6?

Before upgrading your smart device or its operating system, check Automatic updates of the app or your device operating system can change settings or shut down the app. Always update your smart device manually and verify correct device settings afterward.

Sensor Adhesion Issues

How can I keep my Dexcom sensor adhered to my body?

Follow the insertion instructions carefully. Extra care may help you keep your sensor on for the entire sensor session.

How can I avoid irritated or sensitive skin caused by the sensor adhesive?

Please find the answer in our sensor adhesion tips.

Troubleshooting (Setting Up Your System)

I am having trouble getting started with my Dexcom CGM system - what should I do?

Check out our Downloads and Guides section for support or contact your local Dexcom Representative.

Using Your Sensor and Transmitter

Can the sensor be restarted after 10 days?

No. The Dexcom G6 CGM system is designed to eliminate the need for fingerstick calibrations* and can be used for 10 days without restart.

Setting Up Your Smartphone or Receiver

What are the recommended G6 Android phone settings?

Your phone settings can prevent the Dexcom G6 app from working. Learn more about the settings that will allow your app to work as expected.

How do I set up the Dexcom G6 with my phone?

The Dexcom G6 app has to be downloaded and is different from the Dexcom G5 Mobile app. It is available for free from the Apple App or Google Play stores.

What smart devices are compatible with the G6?

A variety of iOS and Android smart devices are compatible with G6. Compatibility is listed here:

What are the recommended G6 iPhone settings?

Your phone settings can prevent the Dexcom G6 app from working. Learn more about the settings that will allow your app to work as expected.

Pairing and Connectivity Issues

Why am I receiving signal loss for over an hour on my smart device?

Signal loss can occur for a number of reasons. The most common reason is smartphone settings that are hindering the app from functioning correctly.

Troubleshooting (CLARITY/Studio Reporting Software)

Why do I see 'username or password are incorrect' when I try to log into the Dexcom Clarity app on my smartphone?

Login issues can be caused by having the incorrect country or region selected in your smartphone settings. Within smartphone settings, set the Region (iOS) and Language/Region (Android) to match your Dexcom account then, reinstall the Dexcom Clarity app and try again. Please contact your local Dexcom if you need further assistance.

Setting Up Sharing and Dexcom Clarity

Can I use both a receiver and smart device with Dexcom Clarity?

It is possible to use both a smart device and a receiver to provide CGM data. The smart device system streams data to the Clarity server, where that data is made available for reports after three hours.

What is a low utilisation day?

When the low utilisation filter is applied, days with less than 50% CGM data capture will display.

How does Dexcom Clarity get my data?

If you use a receiver, you log in to Clarity from a computer, connect your receiver, then follow the Clarity Upload Instructions. The data stored on your receiver will appear instantly.

How do I know when Dexcom Clarity has been updated?

For every release, a notification banner is posted at the top of the Dexcom Clarity on the day of the release. Follow the banner's link to read the release notes. If the Uploader software is updated, the notification banner posts 2 weeks before the release.

Updating Your Device Software

How soon will Dexcom support new operating system (OS) versions after they are released?

Dexcom tests all apps on new OS versions, including public betas, after the OS is released. It may take several days or more to complete testing and update the app to be fully compatible with a new OS version. Dexcom recommends checking the compatibility before installing a new OS version on your smart device, and not installing the new version until we approve it.

Using the Follow App

What are the recommended Android phone settings?

Your phone settings can prevent the Dexcom Follow app from working. Learn more about the settings that will allow your app to work as expected.

Why am I not getting glucose notifications?

There are several reasons you may not receive expected notifications.

Varför får jag inte glukosnotiser?

Det finns flera skäl till att du kanske inte får förväntade notiser.

Kommer jag att få notisljud om min smart-enhet är inställd på tyst, vibrera eller Stör ej?

Nej, din smart-enhet måste ha ljudet på för att få notisljud.

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