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Using Dexcom Clarity on your computer

If you’ve been using your Dexcom G6 for a while, and you’ve got a doctor’s appointment coming up, you and your healthcare provider will probably want to review your glucose data together. You can prepare for your visit using Dexcom Clarity on your computer – and it’s easy.
Start by visiting and clicking on the button marked “Dexcom Clarity for Home Users.” If you already have a Dexcom account – maybe from ordering products, or from using the Dexcom smartphone apps, for example – log in using that account information and skip ahead to the “Installing Clarity” section below. Otherwise, click “Create a Dexcom Account” and we’ll walk you through the process.
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creating a Dexcom account

A Dexcom account keeps all your information in one place, and it’s simple to set up. After clicking the “Create A Dexcom Account” button, you’ll need to enter your email address twice, select the United States as your country of residence, then click “Agree and Create Account.”
Check your email for a confirmation note, and within the email, click the “Confirm Email Address” button to continue creating your account. Simply follow the instruction on each screen and click “Next” when complete to continue creating your account. (If it turns out you already had an account, the email will contain instructions on helping you log in with your existing information.) During these steps, you will:
  • Create a username that you’ll use to log in
  • Create and confirm a password
  • Enter your first and last name, followed by your ZIP Code
  • Provide your date of birth, select your gender, and (if you’d like) choose a nickname
Then review the information you’ve entered: If something needs to be changed, click the arrow next to “Confirm Information” to go back and make corrections. If everything looks good, click “Submit.”
To log in to Clarity, click “Get Started.” On the next page, your username and password should be automatically filled in this time, so you can just click “Login.”

downloading and installing Clarity

On your first time logging in to Clarity, you’ll see steps to install the Dexcom Clarity Uploader software onto your computer. This will equip your computer to read the data from your Dexcom receiver. Begin by clicking “Download” to transfer a file to your computer.
After this file has downloaded, locate it on your computer and double-click to open it: This will download the second file needed to install the Clarity Uploader software. When the process is complete, double-click on this package file to install the Uploader file onto your computer. When prompted, make sure to click “Continue” and “Install.”
When the installation is finished, the Clarity Uploader software will launch. Follow the setup steps as prompted onscreen. Note that installation is a one-time process: The next time you visit Clarity, you can simply connect your receiver to your computer to upload.

connecting, viewing, and sharing

Use the charger cable to connect your Dexcom receiver to your computer’s USB port. You’ll be asked once more to log in to your Dexcom account, and you will want to check the “Keep me logged in” box.
When you’re logged in, Clarity will automatically upload data from your receiver. Because your receiver’s storage capacity is limited, you should upload its data to Clarity at least once every 30 days to ensure that old data is not overwritten before it has been shared with Clarity.
After your data is uploaded, Clarity opens in your browser window to show you the newest information. On the Clarity overview page, you can view your average glucose and see how much time you spend in your target range. On the Patterns page, Clarity will display the patterns it finds for you – nighttime highs, for example – so you can consider how to address any challenges you’re having. With this type of information, you can discuss specific options with your doctor. You can even print the clearly organized page and take it with you on your visit.
You can also accept Clarity sharing invitations from your clinic: This links your data to the healthcare provider’s Clarity account so they can refer to it whenever they need to, and they’ll have your information ready for your next visit.
And you’re all set! Remember to log in to Clarity to connect your Dexcom receiver to your computer at least once every 30 days to keep a continuous record of your glucose levels and patterns.
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