Why does the Dexcom G7 app ask for my location?

The first time you start the Dexcom G7 app, it verifies that the country you are in matches the country of residence in your account. This ensures you will get the resources and features approved for use where you are currently located.
After you install the app, it will remember your information and not ask to check again. So you can travel to other countries, start new sensors, and update the app while traveling.
If you’ve moved to a different country since creating your account and saving your country of residence, you must create a new account. For example, if you set up a Dexcom account while living in United States, and have since moved to the United Kingdom, you must create a new account with the UK as your country of residence.
If you have trouble with the location check, please contact your local technical support.
*Compatible smart devices sold separately. To view a list of compatible smart devices, visit dexcom.com/compatibility


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